Pentagrams and Witches
days, a pentagram has many meanings and
connotations. People often think that
the pentagram is an evil sign. Many
Christians, and indeed much of the
Western world, associate it with
Satanism and witchcraft. While it's true
that Satanists do use the pentagram in
their rituals, it is certainly not a
Satanistic sign, nor was it even first
used by Satanists. Unfortunately, few
are able to differentiate between Wicca
and Satanism.
It was the Sumerians who
first utilized the pentagram symbol. For
them, however, it was merely a piece of
rather than a religious symbol. As you
read earlier, Satanists do indeed use it
as a symbol, typically with two points
up and three down. They refer to this as
the Sigil of Baphomet, and it is used as
a symbol for Leviathan. It was also the
official seal of Jerusalem for awhile,
showing its presence in Judaism as well
Christianity, it was used to represent
the five senses. In medieval times, it
was believed to represent the five
wounds of Christ (2 in the wrists, 2 in
the ankles and one in the side). At this
point, its common use was actually to
ward off demons and witches - which
becomes ironic later on. It has also
represented the five fingers, the five
joys Mary had of Jesus, as well as the
five virtues of knighthood. However, it
later became thought of as an evil
symbol. Pagans and Wiccans use the
pentagram in their rituals, as do
Satanists, albeit in completely
different manners. This led Christians
to believe the pentagram to be an unholy
symbol of evil, something that's carried
forward to today.
Lastly, we
come to Wicca and Neopaganism. The
pentagram is a very important symbol in
these religions. Many versions of the
religion use it as their holy symbol,
and wear it as
Wiccan Jewelry much like Christians
have the Cross of Jesus and Jews have
the Star of David. While not quite as
universal as these other symbols (some
branches of Neopaganism rarely, if ever,
incorporate pentagrams into their
rituals), witchcraft is one of its main
associations. As previously mentioned,
few are able to shake the thought that
witches are evil, and pentagrams add to
this. However, Wicca and Neopaganism in
general is vastly different from
About the
Elizabeth Beckley writes
for Moonstone
a company which focuses its products on
Wiccan Jewelry